
The Student Assistance Center strives to build a collaborative relationship with the school’s stakeholders to ensure the success and development of the all the students.


The Student Assistance Center envisions to provide data driven and developmentally appropriate guidance services to create students into a lifelong learners, responsible citizens, and responsive members of the society who are empowered to pursue the challenges of the 21st century.


  1. Orientation
    • The primary purpose of the orientation is to introduce the students, new comers and transferees to the different services, facilities and their assigned facilitator. It also aims to help students adjust to the SPC environment and enhance their interpersonal development

  2. Information
    • This is the intentional and purposive delivery of information to students. The primary purpose is to enable students to use said information to reasonably guide their choices and actions inside and outside of the school.

  3. Testing
    • The main purpose of testing is to determine the instructional needs of each student. That is, his/her strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Individual Inventory
    • Information about the individual student is based on information gathered through processes and data-gathering records. These records are confidential in nature and serve as basis in gaining better understanding of the student.
  5. Counseling
    • It is considered as the heart of the SAC Services. It is a form of Intervention that leads to a more effective behavior. This is done when there is a pressing need to listen and talk to the student. Counseling Service involves the process of personal reorientation, by which a student is aided in acquiring new self-understanding and integration of alternative actions.
  6. Vocational/Career

    • This service is principally based upon a plan of activities designed to give assistance to individuals in connection with the choosing, preparing for, entering upon and making progress in an occupation.
  7. Follow-Up
    • This service is intended to secure to secure information about former students and provide continuing services for students after they leave school. This service also applies to the currently enrolled students and pupils by checking their current standing in school and progress of their difficulties.

  8. Placement Service

    • This service aims to help a student to get an appropriate place according to his/her qualifications and abilities. It is a continuous program which helps to determine manner to assign a student/pupil based on his/her personal and social adjustment.

Service Hours

Mondays – Fridays: 8:00 AM – 12:00 NN | 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Contact Information

Mobile: 0977-110-2288

Email Address: spc.sacguidance@gmail.com

Social Media: wwww.facebook.com/spcsacoffice